Together For Sutton provides professional, confidential information, advice, support and advocacy to residents in the London Borough of Sutton
Opening hours over the Christmas Break
We know that winter and the festive period can be tough as well as joyful, but if you are struggling and you need information, advice or support, please contact Together for Sutton and we will point you in the right direction.
- 23rd December, 9-12pm – Open for telephone and web enquiries ONLY
- 26th and 27th December – Closed for the bank holidays
- 28th, 29th and 30th December, 9-5pm – Open for telephone and web enquiries ONLY
- 2nd and 3rd January 2023 – Closed for the bank holidays
T: 020 8254 2616
In the case of an emergency, please contact the Emergency Services on 999, or report non-emergencies to 101.
To access Sutton’s Warm Spaces, please have a look at the list here.
If you are feeling low in mood over the Christmas season and need to speak to someone, please contact the Samaritans on 116 123
To discuss any worries for adults or children / young people please contact the London Borough of Sutton:
- Adult’s Safeguarding Team on 020 8770 5000
- Children’s Safeguarding Team on 020 8770 6001
- Out of Hours Team 020 8770 5000
The service was launched in July 2022 and replaces the ALP's (Advice Links Partnership) service. This new service is designed to bring voluntary sector organisations together to provide a single access point for residents in the London Borough of Sutton.
Sutton residents are able to get professional, confidential, information, advice, support and advocacy in one place, empowering them to make informed choices
Visit the Together For Sutton Website to access support