
Funding is vital for any voluntary sector organisation to survive.  We can help support you to get the funding you need, we offer the following services free of charge. We are also sharing this useful presentation which looks at the importance of using data when applying for funding. 


How we can help you

We share regular information about different funding opportunities and can help advise you on how to write a successful bid. We can’t guarantee that you will be successful, but we will do our best to make sure that your application stands the best chance possible. 

Identifying the most appropriate funder – we have access to databases and lists of well over 2000 charitable funders in the UK. We can also introduce you to some digital fundraising methods, such as Crowdfunding or Text Giving.
Getting you started with your funding application/proposal – we offer free basic advice and guidance on the initial research and consultation necessary to give you all you need to complete your proposal.
Making your application stand out – We’ve got some great hints and tips on how to get the best out of your application.
Thinking about it ‘strategically’ – We can advise you on how to go about developing a fundraising strategy and also help you to link up with local services and strategies that are relevant to your field of work. 

We also offer a tailored consultancy services including:

  • Advanced (refined and more detailed) funding search

  • Support to write your funding bid/proposal (note. This excludes LBS tenders)

  • Developing and writing your fundraising strategy

  • Developing and writing a joint working agreement when submitting a joint bid

  • Costing your proposal and setting your budget

To find out more contact us 


Funding Opportunities


easyFundraising easyFundraising sign up button

Set up a free easyfundraising page for your charity or voluntary organisation and 8,000 retailers will donate money to you when your supporters shop online with them – for freeFind out more and sign up here  





    Innovation Fund logo

      Physical Activity Fund Logo  AND  with LBS and CAS